When Spring Is Underground

Did you know we just passed the Vernal Equinox on March 20? Now the days will be getting longer and warmer. Praise the Lord! But where I’m at in Michigan, we still have some 20-degree nights in the forecast. That doesn’t seem too festive. It’s hard to celebrate spring when you’re shivering.
The same holds true when you pray for a miracle. See what God’s been up to in the life of my littlest love in the NICU.

When the Frost is on the Punkin

There are two kinds of people in the world: those who refuse to acknowledge Christmas until December, and those who have been playing Bing Crosby since October. Whichever side of the spectrum you fall on, I know you’ll enjoy this week’s fall-related poem. It’s a classic by James Whitcomb Riley called “When the Frost is on the Punkin.” Go grab your pumpkin spice latte or your peppermint mocha and give it a read.

My Side of the Mountain

Every child goes through it at some point. Some people never outgrow it. And a rare few actually do something about it.
I’m talking about the thirst for adventure, the desire to break from civilization and live toe-to-toe with nature. Twelve-year-old Sam Gribley did more than feel the call; he answered it. In the children’s classic “My Side of the Mountain,” young and old can experience action, adventure, and enjoyment through the eyes of this young trail blazer.
See for yourself in this week’s short post!

Something Worth Writing About

Ever feel like you’re just plumb out of inspiration? I sure do. At times like those, where do you turn? To TV? Books? Ice cream?
One of the most wonderful sources of inspiration is actually just outside your front door, so strap on your hiking boots and join me for an adventure in the wild and in writing!

(You’ll also see loads of pictures from my trips to Yosemite National Park, and I know you won’t want to miss out on those views!)

Happy Birthday, PWD!

If you can’t believe it’s been two years since Past Watchful Dragons began gracing your inbox with awesomeness, then join the club–neither can I! Nevertheless, it’s true, and I wanted to take a week to reminisce on some of the great stuff we’ve learned together during the past year. Also, I’m eager to hear from you! What do you want to read about next year?

Outside, Part 2: Sounds of Spring

After a silent winter, there’s nothing as exciting as the sounds of spring! Sky and birds, thunder and creeks–all of it sounds like music to the soul.

Outside, Part 1: The Big Thaw

Outside is one of my favorite places to be. With the first day of spring behind us, it’s time to celebrate the sun, the smells, and The Big Thaw!