Masterful Poems 3: “The Lantern Out of Doors”

“Out of sight is out of mind.”
Is it just me, or is that completely accurate and rather condemning? But why does this apply more to people and responsibilities and never to chocolate??
This post examines our tendency toward amnesia in light of Gerard Manley Hopkins’ poem “The Lantern Out of Doors.” Fortunately, Hopkins helps us celebrate the One who always sees and never forgets.

One Word

I know January 1 is behind us, but I’m still thinking about the idea of a one-word resolution. But the more I consider it, the less I feel equal to the task of choosing a word, and maybe that’s not such a bad thing. After all, when we make resolutions, what are we REALLY looking for? Read on for a rather unflattering perspective.

Awful Poetry for Children: A Small Rant

You may not be a poetry buff, but I’m sure you’ve read enough children’s books to know an awful poem when you hear it. My question is, why are some people writing garbage for kids, and what can be done about it? See for yourself in today’s post.