When Spring Is Underground

Did you know we just passed the Vernal Equinox on March 20? Now the days will be getting longer and warmer. Praise the Lord! But where I’m at in Michigan, we still have some 20-degree nights in the forecast. That doesn’t seem too festive. It’s hard to celebrate spring when you’re shivering.
The same holds true when you pray for a miracle. See what God’s been up to in the life of my littlest love in the NICU.

Radical Reasoning

The responses to COVID-19 are all across the board, from panic to skepticism and everything in between. You’d be hard pressed to find a company, organization, or individual who hasn’t weighed in on the issue one way or another. But this post really isn’t about the virus–it’s about the reason for suffering and the glory of God. I hope these verses are as encouraging to you as they were to me!