Make America Wild Again

We’ve all succumbed to it before.
The siren song of the sofa. The lullaby of the La-Z-Boy. The trance of the TV. But while we’re enjoying some comatose amusement, what are we missing just outside our front doors…and beyond?
A little excursion (or a grand adventure) could be just what we need.

My Side of the Mountain

Every child goes through it at some point. Some people never outgrow it. And a rare few actually do something about it.
I’m talking about the thirst for adventure, the desire to break from civilization and live toe-to-toe with nature. Twelve-year-old Sam Gribley did more than feel the call; he answered it. In the children’s classic “My Side of the Mountain,” young and old can experience action, adventure, and enjoyment through the eyes of this young trail blazer.
See for yourself in this week’s short post!

Something Worth Writing About

Ever feel like you’re just plumb out of inspiration? I sure do. At times like those, where do you turn? To TV? Books? Ice cream?
One of the most wonderful sources of inspiration is actually just outside your front door, so strap on your hiking boots and join me for an adventure in the wild and in writing!

(You’ll also see loads of pictures from my trips to Yosemite National Park, and I know you won’t want to miss out on those views!)

Stage Seven: Approach to the Inmost Cave

At the heart of every adventure lies an ultimate battle—for good, for gold, or even for glory. But in order to reach that battle, the hero must first undergo the Approach to the Inmost Cave.

Stage Six: Tests, Allies, and Enemies

Who shot first: Han or Greedo? Whether you have a strong opinion or couldn’t care less, that question probably still conjured up images of the cantina scene on Mos Eisley, didn’t it? This scene from Star Wars: A New Hope is a classic example of the “watering hole” scene in many adventure stories, and it’s a great introduction to Stage Six of the Hero’s Journey: Tests, Allies, and Enemies.