2021: In These Certain Times

It’s 2021! Do you feel completely different? If you’re anything like me, today feels like waking up on your birthday. You’re a year older and wiser, but it’s hard to tell.
Today’s post celebrates certainty “in these uncertain times.” Whether 2021 finds you elated, deflated, or simply waiting, read on for some encouragement.
Happy New Year, friend!

In Pursuit of Perfection: Rest

For people who won’t rest until every box is checked and every job is done, the world can be a pretty tiring place. Is this how it’s supposed to be? My life may often say, “Yes,” but God’s Word says no. Find out how true rest is a gift that only God can give.

In Pursuit of Perfection: The Sickness

Are you driven by the inner compulsion to do more, try harder, and be better? Do you feel happiest when you’ve put everything in order? Does your happiness tend to hinge on a completed to-do list? In short, would you consider yourself a perfectionist? If you or a loved one (or a tolerated one) falls into this category, then you won’t want to miss this post.