A Checklist for Perfectionists

Are you a list maker? A high-expectations worker? A perfectionist? A worn-out human being?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may be eligible to benefit from this super-short article.

(And, frankly, even if you answered no, you should still read it to see how better to sympathize with the Type A personalities in your life. Take my word for it–they’ll appreciate it.)

In Pursuit of Perfection: Approval

If you’re anything like me, you may not realize how deeply you desire approval–from God and from others. This week I share some insights God gave me into my own heart and His Word about the need for (and source of) approval.

In Pursuit of Perfection: The Sickness

Are you driven by the inner compulsion to do more, try harder, and be better? Do you feel happiest when you’ve put everything in order? Does your happiness tend to hinge on a completed to-do list? In short, would you consider yourself a perfectionist? If you or a loved one (or a tolerated one) falls into this category, then you won’t want to miss this post.