Led Through the Dark

We were made to be creatures of light. During the dreary days of winter we feel that even more keenly, don’t we? Darkness isn’t good for us.
But Isaiah 50 reveals an aspect of darkness that I hadn’t noticed before. See what God says about those who presume to make their own light.

Radical Reasoning

The responses to COVID-19 are all across the board, from panic to skepticism and everything in between. You’d be hard pressed to find a company, organization, or individual who hasn’t weighed in on the issue one way or another. But this post really isn’t about the virus–it’s about the reason for suffering and the glory of God. I hope these verses are as encouraging to you as they were to me!

I’m Gonna Let It Shine

This morning I was reading in Luke 11, and among many other marvelous truths packed into that chapter, God was showing me one powerful truth through two great analogies.