Better Than Knowledge

We’re told that knowledge is good. Knowledge is power. Knowledge is worth paying a bajillion dollars to attend a university. So is knowledge ultimate, or is there something even better? That’s the question I ponder in these (very short) musings.

The Favor of Flavor

Have you ever considered how much better life is because we can enjoy flavors? I’m no foodie, but if I lost my taste buds, my world would instantly turn to grayscale. Grab a tasty snack and join me for this celebration of one of God’s kindest gifts: the favor of flavor!

(PS: If you’ve been missing the George Lucas series, fret not! It will start back up next time!)

The Shortcomings of Star Wars I-III, Part 1

You weren’t surprised to see “Part 1” at the end of today’s title, were you? You know me too well by now. Characteristically, I’ve written an article that was way too long to publish as one post, so I was forced to split it in half. That left a manageable list of “pros” for today and a manageable list of “cons” for next time. Curious? Read on! I’d love to hear your thoughts as well, so feel free to comment!

PWD Goes Biweekly

Sweet, sweet summertime is here! I’m sure you’ll be busy camping, hiking, fishing, sunbathing, and generally having a grand time, but if you happen to wonder why your inbox feels a little roomier in the coming months, this post holds the answer. Also, I reveal the not-so-secret that my husband is actually Superdad, but you’d have to read it to believe it.

The Success of Star Wars IV-VI: Backstory

Now that you know all about George Lucas from the past two posts, you’re ready to plunge right into the original trilogy. What were the inspirations behind the films, and what made them so popular? I’ll take a stab at answering these today, so hang on to your hats, kids. This is gonna be one fast Kessel run.

The Genius of George Lucas: A Brief Biography (Part 2)

You know that George Lucas is the mastermind behind the Star Wars and Indiana Jones films, but how did he do it? And what’s he been doing since then? And what in the world did he sell out to Disney for?! I’ll answer all these and more in this week’s post!

The Genius of George Lucas: Series Overview

If I told you I was planning to write this next series about George Lucas and his two most enduring series, Star Wars and Indiana Jones, would you be thrilled and enthralled? I sure hope so, because that’s the plan! Check out this week’s overview to know what’s in store for you!