PWD Goes Biweekly

Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Past Watchful Dragons is going biweekly…at least for the summer.

That’s right—for now I’m scaling back on the number of posts I publish. It may be just for the summer, or it may be a long-term change; I’ll have to play it by ear this fall. While most of you probably won’t weep, wail, and gnash your teeth at this announcement, I’d still like to give you my reasons. But don’t worry; it’s nothing bad. In fact, the reasons are good!



It boils down to two main reasons: family and future.

Family first. While I write about personal thoughts on this blog, I don’t usually write about me. So you may or may not know that I had my first baby, Isaiah Emmanuel, on December 20, 2018. What a joy! What a game changer! What a handful! It turns out that babies require a good bit of time. Who knew? And while he’s been getting plenty of love and attention (believe you me, this kid is spoiled), I find myself a little stressed at times as I try to get a post ready. Enter, my hubby, the Superdad.

Seriously, I couldn’t have picked a better guy if I’d tried. This man supported me through a looong home birth, diapered and carried Isaiah for the first couple weeks while I was healing, woke up with me every time I fed the baby so that he could burp him for me (!!!), and has continued to be the most loving, supportive, encouraging husband and dad I could imagine. (Maybe I should have saved this post for Father’s day?) What I’m trying to say is, I’m blessed, and I know it.

So most of these posts are due, at least in part, to daddy entertaining the kid while I frantically type in another room. And sure, that’s fine, but I’d personally like to make sure I do everything I can to be a good mom and wife. If that means spending a little less time stressing about a self-imposed deadline and more time taking walks and enjoying time as a family, then that’s what I shall do.


Now, after all that, you may think this second reason seems a little ironic, but I’d like more time to write. J What I mean is, I dream of writing books someday, but I need time to read more, brainstorm better, and actually start writing. I hate to admit how long it takes me to finish some of these posts, but suffice it to say that it’s not an off-the-cuff hobby for me. I’m a slow writer, an overthinker, and an obsessive editor (despite my numerous mistakes), so cutting down on the number of posts will free up a good chunk of time. While I’ll definitely be using much of that time for family, I hope to dedicate some of it to the pursuit of publication as well.


As I wrap this up, I’d like to thank you for understanding. I hate feeling like I’m failing in a commitment, so I delayed this change for quite a while, but I know you won’t mind if your inbox is a little roomier in the coming months. Besides, most of my posts are long enough to split in half and read over the course of two weeks anyway, so let that be your plan if you miss me. J Thank you again, and I’ll see you in two weeks!

One Comment on “PWD Goes Biweekly

  1. Love you babe! I’m proud to be your husband and walk with you through this journey.

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