Outside, Part 2: Sounds of Spring

After a silent winter, there’s nothing as exciting as the sounds of spring! Sky and birds, thunder and creeks–all of it sounds like music to the soul.

Outside, Part 1: The Big Thaw

Outside is one of my favorite places to be. With the first day of spring behind us, it’s time to celebrate the sun, the smells, and The Big Thaw!

Celebrating Dr. Seuss!

It’s March, and that means National Reading Month! I remember Reading Month in elementary school; we would bring books and snacks and would wait as eagerly as Pavlov’s dogs to hear the reading bell ring during the day. That bell meant we could stop…

Oh, the Places We’ve Been

Remember just over a year ago? Do you recall how bleak your life was every Friday afternoon? You would check your inbox and find nothing but work, spam, and misery. There was no bright spot in your weekend, no resource for all topics nerdy,…

Regarding Liturgies and “Every Moment Holy”

Every Moment Holy Today I’d like to do something a little different: rather than waxing eloquent about a poem or author, I’d like to recommend a book I’ve never read. Sound risky? Maybe so, but read on to see why I’m willing to take…

J.R.R. Tolkien: A Brief Biography

It’s no surprise that I have kind of a thing for J.R.R. Tolkien. To say I am a fan is a bit of an understatement, although I know he has inspired a cult-like following of which I am unworthy to count myself. I have,…

Hiking Is my Happy Place

We all have a happy place. For some, it’s the family cabin on the lake, surrounded by trees and years of memories. For some, it’s a small gathering of close friends for no specific reason other than the joy of being together. For others,…