Rolling Stones: The Little House Series

Little House on the Prairie.
Maybe those words make you think of the old TV show (which I’ve never seen). Maybe you think of the book series (which I read for the first time recently). Maybe you don’t think of either but find yourself stifling an inexplicable yawn.
No matter which of these you relate to, my next three posts will have something for you. The Little House series is a fascinating study in history, human potential, and the results of restlessness.

Calvin and Hobbes: Imagination, Exploration, Investigation

If childhood was personified, he’d sport blonde spiky hair and a red tee shirt.
To me, Calvin and Hobbes incapsulates three major pillars of being a kid: imagination, exploration, and investigation. Read on to see what my son has in common with Calvin (too much) and what Calvin learns from all his adventures (not enough).

Calvin and Hobbes: Childhood in Four Frames

What has made Calvin and Hobbes such an enduring classic for almost forty years? The fact that Bill Watterson’s comics capture the stuff of childhood–the good, the bad, and the hilarious. Read on to see what gives this unforgettable duo such universal appeal.

My Side of the Mountain

Every child goes through it at some point. Some people never outgrow it. And a rare few actually do something about it.
I’m talking about the thirst for adventure, the desire to break from civilization and live toe-to-toe with nature. Twelve-year-old Sam Gribley did more than feel the call; he answered it. In the children’s classic “My Side of the Mountain,” young and old can experience action, adventure, and enjoyment through the eyes of this young trail blazer.
See for yourself in this week’s short post!

Hot Off the Press: The Edge of Everywhen

This week, Past Watchful Dragons offers you a bonus post! I’ve recently read a brand-spanking-new book called The Edge of Everywhen, by A.S. Mackey, and I wanted to tell you all about it!

Happy Birthday, PWD!

If you can’t believe it’s been two years since Past Watchful Dragons began gracing your inbox with awesomeness, then join the club–neither can I! Nevertheless, it’s true, and I wanted to take a week to reminisce on some of the great stuff we’ve learned together during the past year. Also, I’m eager to hear from you! What do you want to read about next year?

Awful Poetry for Children: A Small Rant

You may not be a poetry buff, but I’m sure you’ve read enough children’s books to know an awful poem when you hear it. My question is, why are some people writing garbage for kids, and what can be done about it? See for yourself in today’s post.