Calvin and Hobbes: Imagination, Exploration, Investigation

If childhood was personified, he’d sport blonde spiky hair and a red tee shirt.
To me, Calvin and Hobbes incapsulates three major pillars of being a kid: imagination, exploration, and investigation. Read on to see what my son has in common with Calvin (too much) and what Calvin learns from all his adventures (not enough).

Calvin and Hobbes: Childhood in Four Frames

What has made Calvin and Hobbes such an enduring classic for almost forty years? The fact that Bill Watterson’s comics capture the stuff of childhood–the good, the bad, and the hilarious. Read on to see what gives this unforgettable duo such universal appeal.

On Writing, Part 1: King’s History

And so it begins.
This week we start to examine Stephen King’s _On Writing_. (Please hold your applause until the end of the performance.) This masterful book of million-dollar writing advice begins with the harrowing tale of young Stevie King, a child who suffers many pains and woes.
If you’re squeamish, read the first section with one eye closed and the other squinted. Otherwise, I think you’ll enjoy the backstory for one of America’s creepiest storytellers.