Led Through the Dark

We were made to be creatures of light. During the dreary days of winter we feel that even more keenly, don’t we? Darkness isn’t good for us.
But Isaiah 50 reveals an aspect of darkness that I hadn’t noticed before. See what God says about those who presume to make their own light.

Adorning the Dark, 1: Diligence and Motive

Hey there, 2021! It almost feels as though we’ve meet before…
Hopefully your spirits are high and your stress is low as you embark on this fresh year of opportunities. If you’ve resolved to try anything creative, today’s (short) post is for you.

2021: In These Certain Times

It’s 2021! Do you feel completely different? If you’re anything like me, today feels like waking up on your birthday. You’re a year older and wiser, but it’s hard to tell.
Today’s post celebrates certainty “in these uncertain times.” Whether 2021 finds you elated, deflated, or simply waiting, read on for some encouragement.
Happy New Year, friend!