What Is This Blog Even About?

If you’ve been keeping up with my blog since its auspicious inception about a week ago, you have probably been wondering what in the world this blog is even about.

That’s a fair query, and I’d like to give a brief answer so that you know what to expect. Personally, I love knowing what to expect, even if it’s bad. But this isn’t bad. It’s good, I think.

I have a passion for stories. I mentioned this in my very first blog post, but I am quite serious about it. For me, C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien have been two of the most influential thinkers and storytellers, so they will appear frequently in this blog as well. But I am also passionate about Jesus and the meaning He gives to existence. Therefore, this blog will be about Story and stories (both the general concept and specific examples), and it will also be about Jesus and the way He often figures into the stories of literature and life.

Now, if I lost your attention on both of those passions, then there is a slight chance you won’t find this blog as thrilling as I do. But hey, stick around and see if I surprise you! I will definitely throw in a curve ball article whenever it pops into my mind. But if one or both of my passions appeal to you, then I truly hope you’ll keep coming back for more. Because trust me—there’s more.

For example, I’ve been working on a series of posts based on the book The Writer’s Journey by Christopher Vogler. His book describes how many stories that we love progress through twelve stages of action. It is the unique use of these stages that make a story believable, relatable, and enjoyable. I’ll be tracking his method through Tolkien’s The Hobbit so you can see how it looks in a real story! I’ll also be writing about whatever God is teaching me at the time, including books and verses that have meant a lot to me, so I’m very excited about that. I’m sure I’ll write many things that don’t necessarily fall into those categories, but my goal is to post one literary article and one other article each week.

So with all that information in front of you, I’d like to make a quick appeal: Would you consider subscribing to my blog and recommending it to a friend who would enjoy it? It sure would make my day!

Thanks so much for taking time to read this informational blurb. I hope not to be this factual again for a long while. Until next time!

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