Because everyone loves a good story
Society often views parenting as a waste of time and talent. That fact shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone. But if I’m not careful, I can start to slip into that mindset too, especially when I consider how much of my brain is lying dormant in the day-to-day minutia of housework.
Thankfully, the gospels share a story that helps put a life of grateful obedience into perspective.
We interrupt the Coming-of-Age series to bring you this announcement: I’m now a homeschool mom!
We also clarify that statement with the following statement: Some days I’m barely scraping by with my sanity and sanctification. Man, these kids are messy.
Read on to discover how I landed here in the first place and how (or if) I’m surviving the sheer chaos of the process.
What do you do when your side hustle (or your busy schedule or your lack of motivation) seems to be crushing your lifelong passion? How do you make time for everything you’d like to do?
I may not have all the answers, but I’ll share what’s helping me at the moment with these very questions.
Ah, parenthood–the hardest, most rewarding, hardest, most entertaining, hardest job I’ve ever done. Let’s face it, folks–raising little sinners is hard work for big sinners.
At times I find myself frustrated about how the day is going, and at those same times I wonder if I’ll regret my frustration when the kids are grown. Is there a solution to this conundrum? Read on for a scary (relatable) peek into my musings.
Have you noticed that Past Watchful Dragons has been conspicuously missing from your inbox recently? Oops, sorry about that. Read on to discover why I’m officially (even if it’s temporarily) switching to tri-weekly blog posts.
There are two types of people in the world: those who procrastinate and those who work ahead. Most of the time I am solidly in the second category. But you know what? Life doesn’t always work that way. And I’m learning that grace isn’t doled out in advance either.
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