Is Parenting a Waste?

Society often views parenting as a waste of time and talent. That fact shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone. But if I’m not careful, I can start to slip into that mindset too, especially when I consider how much of my brain is lying dormant in the day-to-day minutia of housework.

Thankfully, the gospels share a story that helps put a life of grateful obedience into perspective.

The Beautiful Mess of Homeschool

We interrupt the Coming-of-Age series to bring you this announcement: I’m now a homeschool mom!
We also clarify that statement with the following statement: Some days I’m barely scraping by with my sanity and sanctification. Man, these kids are messy.
Read on to discover how I landed here in the first place and how (or if) I’m surviving the sheer chaos of the process.