Praise and Poetry

Praise and poetry: what’s the link? The Bible is full of both, and so are the pages of history. Let’s see how one results in the other in Luke 1-2.

Baz Luhrmann’s Romeo + Juliet: Religious Motifs

Baz Luhrmann’s Romeo and Juliet is a cinematic masterpiece. Today’s post explores the motif of religious icons and answers the question, “What on earth was Luhrmann getting at?” It’s deep, grim, and lovely–a few of my favorite things.

Is Parenting a Waste?

Society often views parenting as a waste of time and talent. That fact shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone. But if I’m not careful, I can start to slip into that mindset too, especially when I consider how much of my brain is lying dormant in the day-to-day minutia of housework.

Thankfully, the gospels share a story that helps put a life of grateful obedience into perspective.

Thanksgiving at Christmas

Today I want to nominate three popular Christmas movies as Thanksgiving movies instead. They seem to have nothing in common at first glance, but upon further inspection I think you’ll agree that they’re the same story in different settings.
Join me for a quick look at how we can celebrate Thanksgiving at Christmas!

So That You May Believe

The death and resurrection of Lazarus is one of the most familiar stories in the New Testament. It was even well-circulated back in Lazarus’ time! Coming back to life after being dead for four days causes quite a stir, let me tell you.
At church on Sunday I heard this story from John 11 once again, and it helped me think more clearly about Jesus. Today’s post is a retelling of the story. Whether your faith is feeling fine, flimsy, or far away, consider giving this story a read. And, for bonus points, spend some time in John 11 as well. You won’t regret it.

What a Waste, Part 2

Martha accused Mary of wasting time, but Jesus disagreed. When we find ourselves serving God busily and resentfully, it may be time to revisit this story.

What a Waste, Part 1

While the disciples criticized Mary’s offering, Jesus commended it. But why did he command that it be told about in connection with the Gospel?