Harry Potter, Personally: Relationships Part 1

Did you know there are over 700 characters in the Harry Potter series? There are as many as 772 if you count the ones mentioned only briefly.
Some of these are friends, and some are enemies. See a few of each, including my 3 favorite characters. (Hint: it’s not Harry!)

Harry Potter, Personally: Storyline

What makes people read and re-read the Harry Potter books again and again? The storyline, of course! Check out today’s post for a look at why the stories are perennial and phenomenal. (No spoilers, I promise!)

Harry Potter, Personally: Concerns

Harry Potter has been around for over 25 years. Surely concerns about the series are old news, right?
For many people, I’m sure that’s true. For those of us with young children, however, it’s still worth analyzing what we believe about the books and their impact before letting our kids read them.
In this post, I give you my opinion about four common concerns and end with a takeaway that applies to all of life.

Harry Potter, Personally

Harry Potter has been around for over a quarter of a century, so why am I just now writing about him? And what could I possibly add to the volumes of Potter obsession already clogging the internet?
…Well, you’ll just have to read this (seriously short) intro post to find out, won’t you? Unless you’re better than Snape at legilimency.

Thanksgiving at Christmas

Today I want to nominate three popular Christmas movies as Thanksgiving movies instead. They seem to have nothing in common at first glance, but upon further inspection I think you’ll agree that they’re the same story in different settings.
Join me for a quick look at how we can celebrate Thanksgiving at Christmas!

Bedtime Books and Goodnight Moon

What was your favorite bedtime book as a child? What book did you find yourself reading over and over again to your own child? And which book most often received the coveted Last Book Before Bed distinction?

We have several contenders for that spot, but today let’s take a brief look at the magic that is Goodnight Moon.

God Uses Boneheads

Have you thought about the caliber of people God uses to accomplish his purposes? Not exactly cream of the crop, are they? Or should I say, “we”?

See how God uses an Old Testament patriarch despite his flaws, and be encouraged that He can do the same with you and me.