Harry Potter, Personally: Heroism

The final installment of “Harry Potter, Personally” looks at the parallels between Rowling’s story, Narnia, and Christianity. Are the parallels intentional? Read on to find out!

In Pursuit of Publication

Writing is hard work, but do you know what’s harder? Getting that writing traditionally published. Discover a few behind-the-scenes lessons I’ve learned in pursuit of publication.

Harry Potter, Personally: Relationships 2

Harry Potter is rife with action and adventure, but it has its fair share of drama and romance too. Are the relationships believable, or do they leave much to be desired? Read on to see my humble opinion.

The Cup: A Good Friday Meditation

Here’s a brief poem to help you meditate on Christ, the suffering Servant. May you have a blessed Easter, friend!

Harry Potter, Personally: Relationships Part 1

Did you know there are over 700 characters in the Harry Potter series? There are as many as 772 if you count the ones mentioned only briefly.
Some of these are friends, and some are enemies. See a few of each, including my 3 favorite characters. (Hint: it’s not Harry!)

Harry Potter, Personally: Storyline

What makes people read and re-read the Harry Potter books again and again? The storyline, of course! Check out today’s post for a look at why the stories are perennial and phenomenal. (No spoilers, I promise!)

Harry Potter, Personally: Concerns

Harry Potter has been around for over 25 years. Surely concerns about the series are old news, right?
For many people, I’m sure that’s true. For those of us with young children, however, it’s still worth analyzing what we believe about the books and their impact before letting our kids read them.
In this post, I give you my opinion about four common concerns and end with a takeaway that applies to all of life.