What Is “Christian Liberty”?

If you’ve been around churchy folk very often, you may have heard discussions about something called “Christian liberty.” But what is Christian liberty, really? Is it a blank check for believers to live however they want to, as long as the Bible doesn’t explicitly…

Masterful Poems: “Carrion Comfort”

“Not, I’ll not, carrion comfort, Despair, not feast on thee.” So begins a poem that may not be, at first glance, a very cheerful one. After all, the first half of the poem is addressed to Despair itself, describing it as dead, putrefying flesh—a…

Longing for Something, Part 3

It’s time! We’re finally going to look together at the long-awaited conclusion of Romans 8! These verses are full of comfort, promise, and peace, and I can’t wait to share them with you. But glory shines brightest against the dark backdrop of sin, and…

Longing for Something, Part 2

“We earnestly desire consummation for the healing of our broken hearts and the drying of our tears. We want to live where ‘goodbye’ isn’t even in our vocabulary. We long for all things to be made new. And this is the consummation that the…

Longing for Something, Part 1

We’re all longing for something. No matter what we have or how happy we feel, we probably still have an ache, a yearning deep in our hearts for…something. Sure, we may not verbalize this all the time, and maybe we haven’t even stopped to…

The Acorn and the Oak

Elisabeth Elliot speaks practically and eloquently on the promise that the seed that dies will bear much fruit. Read this beautiful passage from Passion and Purity.

Stage Eight: The Ordeal

What do Gandalf, the Blue Ranger, and Jesus have in common? Before you tie me to a stake as a heretic, read on to find the answer! The eighth stage of the Hero’s Journey is that of The Ordeal, and this post delves into the significance of death and resurrection in literature and life. Read it all; you won’t regret it.