A Good Friday Meditation

With all the hype of Easter, it can be easy to let Good Friday slip by without much notice. This year, I’d encourage you to take a few moments with this short post and meditate on the beauty of God’s plan. We’ll look together at the last song Jesus sang before his crucifixion, and we’ll marvel at the prophetic power of this Psalm.

What a Waste, Part 2

Martha accused Mary of wasting time, but Jesus disagreed. When we find ourselves serving God busily and resentfully, it may be time to revisit this story.

What a Waste, Part 1

While the disciples criticized Mary’s offering, Jesus commended it. But why did he command that it be told about in connection with the Gospel?

A.W. Tozer and “The Sacrament of Living”

A few weeks ago we took a look at a fantastic little tool: the book of liturgical prayers called Every Moment Holy, by Doug McKelvey. The premise of his book, as far as I know, is the belief that it’s not just the big,…

Two Parables

I love the parables of Jesus. He says so much in so few words. I think that’s the beauty of language used properly: so much more can be communicated when it’s implied rather than stated. And when the Author of language itself—the Word made…

Regarding Liturgies and “Every Moment Holy”

Every Moment Holy Today I’d like to do something a little different: rather than waxing eloquent about a poem or author, I’d like to recommend a book I’ve never read. Sound risky? Maybe so, but read on to see why I’m willing to take…

Masterful Poems, Part 2: “Meditation 1.1”

What love is this of Thine that cannot be In Thine infinity, O Lord, confined, Unless it in Thy very person see Infinity and finity conjoined? With this beautiful, mind-bending question, Edward Taylor begins his poem “Meditation 1.1.” His wit, wordplay, and sincere devotion…