Coming of Age: The Yearling and Family

It’s the final installment in the Coming of Age series! Jody Baxter wrestles with the hard truth that fathers are mortal, too. See how family plays a major role in Jody’s coming of age.

Coming of Age: Family in Peter Pan

In the coming-of-age process, we’ve seen how first love and death play a vital role in a child’s maturity. Today we look at the role that family plays in this same process. Peter Pan is the boy who never grows up, so how does he navigate family to preserve his eternal innocence? Let’s find out!

Is Parenting a Waste?

Society often views parenting as a waste of time and talent. That fact shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone. But if I’m not careful, I can start to slip into that mindset too, especially when I consider how much of my brain is lying dormant in the day-to-day minutia of housework.

Thankfully, the gospels share a story that helps put a life of grateful obedience into perspective.

A New Podcast and a Plate of Pasta

…In which I discover a new-to-me literary podcast, get carried away by a pasta analogy, and rediscover gratefulness for this crazy season of life.

‘Tis the Season for Sourdough and Shortbread

Today I bring you good tidings of great recipes!

If you’re interested in fermented foods and spending a bit more time in your kitchen, then you won’t want to miss out on my sourdough and kombucha recipe resources! And no matter who you are, you’re gonna want to make these shortbread thumbprint cookies ASAP. Merry Christmas, my friends!

Happy Thanksgiving from Past Watchful Dragons

Today instead of leaving you with a lengthy article, I’ve decided to post pictures of some of my greatest blessings. I hope that God’s goodness fills your heart with thankfulness and peace today, whether you’re in a season of joy, grief, or somewhere in…

The Beautiful Mess of Homeschool

We interrupt the Coming-of-Age series to bring you this announcement: I’m now a homeschool mom!
We also clarify that statement with the following statement: Some days I’m barely scraping by with my sanity and sanctification. Man, these kids are messy.
Read on to discover how I landed here in the first place and how (or if) I’m surviving the sheer chaos of the process.