Canning: Reviving the Art of Survival

We’re reaching new heights of automation and simplification every day, and our commercials are full of appliances that do it all. But what have we lost in our pursuit of progress? Could you survive without a grocery store? Could I?
The fact that I have to answer, “No,” is a bit worrisome. It’s time to start walking backward instead of forward–back to where the art of survival was common knowledge.

Rolling Stones: Little House Part 3

You know that I admire Laura Ingalls Wilder and her family. Their abilities, manners, and education never cease to blow me away.
In this last (short) post of this Little House trilogy, I wrestle with WHY on earth they lugged their family and belongings all over the contiguous U.S. and whether that version of the American Dream is worth pursuing.

Rolling Stones: The Little House Series

Little House on the Prairie.
Maybe those words make you think of the old TV show (which I’ve never seen). Maybe you think of the book series (which I read for the first time recently). Maybe you don’t think of either but find yourself stifling an inexplicable yawn.
No matter which of these you relate to, my next three posts will have something for you. The Little House series is a fascinating study in history, human potential, and the results of restlessness.