Because everyone loves a good story
This post isn’t a post; it’s an excuse for why I don’t have time to write a post. Also, it’s a lot of pictures.
Merry Christmas!
Today I bring you good tidings of great recipes!
If you’re interested in fermented foods and spending a bit more time in your kitchen, then you won’t want to miss out on my sourdough and kombucha recipe resources! And no matter who you are, you’re gonna want to make these shortbread thumbprint cookies ASAP. Merry Christmas, my friends!
Today I want to nominate three popular Christmas movies as Thanksgiving movies instead. They seem to have nothing in common at first glance, but upon further inspection I think you’ll agree that they’re the same story in different settings.
Join me for a quick look at how we can celebrate Thanksgiving at Christmas!
I’ll admit it: Tolkien can seem heady and inaccessible at times. He’s a nerd’s nerd, and there’s no denying it.
But if you struggle to enjoy Tolkien (or if you love him…or if you’re just looking for a splendid Christmas read), then look no further. Today’s super-short post is about his Father Christmas Letters, a delightful collection of notes and drawings from “Father Christmas” to Tolkien’s children.
Check out these snippets and drawings! You’re sure to fall in love!
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