Because everyone loves a good story
You may not be a poetry buff, but I’m sure you’ve read enough children’s books to know an awful poem when you hear it. My question is, why are some people writing garbage for kids, and what can be done about it? See for yourself in today’s post.
What does it take to make a true Star Wars movie? Relatable characters? Stunning effects? Memorable music? Or does it take something more? Find out if Disney’s Star Wars films make the grade in today’s post!
In the last post, I was so busy talking about what I liked from Episodes I-III that I didn’t even have time to talk about their shortcomings. Today, I’m making time. Join me as I look at some common sentiments as well as (maybe) some unique ones. As always, feel free to leave questions, comments, or bitter diatribes!
PS: Next time, I think I’ll post something that isn’t about Lucas or Star Wars, just to give you non-geeks a break. You’re welcome. 🙂
You weren’t surprised to see “Part 1” at the end of today’s title, were you? You know me too well by now. Characteristically, I’ve written an article that was way too long to publish as one post, so I was forced to split it in half. That left a manageable list of “pros” for today and a manageable list of “cons” for next time. Curious? Read on! I’d love to hear your thoughts as well, so feel free to comment!
When you think of the original Star Wars trilogy, what words come to your mind? Inspired? Groundbreaking? Flawed? While there are many fantastic aspects of these films, they’re certainly not perfect. That’s why today’s post will discuss the good, the bad, and the edited, so grab a cup of Jawa juice and settle in for a good read!
Now that you know all about George Lucas from the past two posts, you’re ready to plunge right into the original trilogy. What were the inspirations behind the films, and what made them so popular? I’ll take a stab at answering these today, so hang on to your hats, kids. This is gonna be one fast Kessel run.
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