“On Fairy-Stories” Epilogue: Evangelium

“The Gospels contain a fairy-story, or a story of a larger kind which embraces all the essence of fairy-stories” (155). Remember how I told you that we’d be looking at the glorious intersection between fairy-stories and the Gospel? Today, my friends, that’s just what…

“On Fairy-Stories,” Part 5: Consolation

Hurray! We’re getting down to the real goods today, folks! This post and the next one are why I set about to discuss Tolkien’s “On Fairy-Stories” in the first place. Think it’s crazy that I slogged through four previous posts before getting around to…

Stage Eight: The Ordeal

What do Gandalf, the Blue Ranger, and Jesus have in common? Before you tie me to a stake as a heretic, read on to find the answer! The eighth stage of the Hero’s Journey is that of The Ordeal, and this post delves into the significance of death and resurrection in literature and life. Read it all; you won’t regret it.