Indiana Jones: The Flop of Four and the Fear of Five

Did you hate the fourth Indiana Jones movie but have a hard time articulating exactly why? That’s how I felt until I forced myself to re-watch it and write this article. It turns out there are plenty of reasons to dislike it, and I enumerate several of them here.
Also, if you happened to like the film, I forgive you. We can still be friends. I even included the parts of the movie I did like…and one of them may surprise you.
So while this post is quite a bit more, shall we say, blunt than usual, it’s not all bad news. Read on to see for yourself!

“On Fairy-Stories,” Part 2: The Purpose

Consider this: “It may be better for [children] to read some things, especially fairy-stories, that are beyond their measure rather than short of it. Their books like their clothes should allow for growth, and their books at any rate should encourage it” (138). At…

Just a Heads Up

I re-watched the movie Interstellar a few nights ago. It hurt my brain again. But if you’ve been keeping up with the Hero’s Journey posts, you might want to watch the movie by Friday so you can fully enjoy my upcoming post about Resurrection….