Lifelong Passion vs Side Hustle

What do you do when your side hustle (or your busy schedule or your lack of motivation) seems to be crushing your lifelong passion? How do you make time for everything you’d like to do?
I may not have all the answers, but I’ll share what’s helping me at the moment with these very questions.

In Pursuit of Publication

Writing is hard work, but do you know what’s harder? Getting that writing traditionally published. Discover a few behind-the-scenes lessons I’ve learned in pursuit of publication.

Bedtime Books and Goodnight Moon

What was your favorite bedtime book as a child? What book did you find yourself reading over and over again to your own child? And which book most often received the coveted Last Book Before Bed distinction?

We have several contenders for that spot, but today let’s take a brief look at the magic that is Goodnight Moon.

My Side of the Mountain

Every child goes through it at some point. Some people never outgrow it. And a rare few actually do something about it.
I’m talking about the thirst for adventure, the desire to break from civilization and live toe-to-toe with nature. Twelve-year-old Sam Gribley did more than feel the call; he answered it. In the children’s classic “My Side of the Mountain,” young and old can experience action, adventure, and enjoyment through the eyes of this young trail blazer.
See for yourself in this week’s short post!

Celebrating Dr. Seuss!

It’s March, and that means National Reading Month! I remember Reading Month in elementary school; we would bring books and snacks and would wait as eagerly as Pavlov’s dogs to hear the reading bell ring during the day. That bell meant we could stop…

Awesome Children’s Books: Winnie-the-Pooh

A.A. Milne, creator of Winnie-the-Pooh was a quintessential author of children’s books not only because of his unforgettable characters but also because of his charming, humorous style.

Awesome Children’s Books: A Brief Hiatus from the Hero’s Journey

I’m of the opinion that a well-written children’s book will be enjoyed by humans of all ages. C.S. Lewis agrees, saying, “I am almost inclined to set it up as a canon that a children’s story which is enjoyed only by children is a bad children’s story.”